Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

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Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change. Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay


Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

The Article by Barakat-Johnson et al (2019) aims to gain the understanding of the nurses’ experience in prevention and management of pressure ulcer in hospital setting. The study discusses about the fact that pressure injury adversely effects other parts of the health concerns such as emotional, mental, physical and social health and It lengthens for patient hospital say causing excessive cost on resources. The study highlights, in regards to hospital acquired pressure injury, many of them could be avoided through interventions by nurses. The need for the study about nurses experiences of pressure ulcer prevention and management becomes important for identifying the areas for practice, improvement, education and overall better patient care and outcome. (Barakat-Johnson et al, 2019) Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

The article by Roberts et al (2016) aims to explore nurses perception of pressure ulcer prevention care bundle implementation into daily practices. The nurses are the frontline to prevent and mange pressure ulcer not only by practicing preventive measures but also making patient participate in their care to avoid pressure ulcer form sustaining. The care bundle was prepared targeting both patient and nurses by nurses encouraging patient to practice three messages such as keep moving, look after their skin, and eat healthy diet. Nurses also received training on how to make patient participate in their care. The care bundle effectiveness was tested by randomized trail. (Roberts et al ,2016)

The Article by Kaur et al (2017) is a study on comparison and analysis on two different intervention strategy implemented on two caregivers and analysis of effectiveness of the interventions in patients with pressure ulcers on bedridden patients. The article talks about training of caregivers for prevention of pressure ulcers in bedbound patients is effective in improving risk of pressure ulcers. The study was done at a care facility in Chandigarh, India (Kaur et al 2017)

The article by Qin et al (2017) studies about the effect of protein intake in pressure ulcer healing. The study is done in rates at the People’s Hospital of Hebei Province in Hebei China. Nutritional management including protein rich diet is one of the advance modalities used for wound management (Torrance, 1983). Malnutrition is one of the major risk factors in developing pressure ulcer and proper protein on body helps heal the wound faster. Protein is a key factor in tissue cell repair. The study aims to identify how the protein intake can affect the ulcer healing time to make shorter (Qin et al 2017) Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

Response to Sarita on Topic 3 DQ 1

Discussion question 1 of topic 3 required submission of a summary of one’s six articles posted on the discussion board. In addition, it required that one states at least a single weakness and strength of each of those articles. Reading through your post, I find it commendable that this is exactly what you have attempted to do. However, instead of the six articles required, I can see that you only presented four articles. To your credit, the four articles you have posted are well summarized and one can easily and effortlessly understand what they are about as well as the setting in which they were carried out. In general, all four of your articles are well summarized, but none of them reveals any strength or weakness as DQ 1 required. Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

To your credit again, the clinical issue addressed by the articles you have summarised is very clear. They are all about pressure ulcers and their management/ prevention (Ahtiala et al., 2018; Ayello, n.d.). This is critical because it shows that there was no confusion as to what needed to be addressed by the articles. Such singular focus is helpful in coming up with solutions that are evidence-based and specific to the clinical issue at hand.

Lastly, it is not possible to determine from your post if the articles you have summarized may or may not provide sufficient evidence to facilitate a change in nursing practice with regard to pressure ulcers. This needed to come out clearly the way the discussion question intended it to be. That said; congratulations on a post well done despite the few shortcomings such as a smaller number of articles than required.  Using Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning Essay

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